100 Days To Offload
#100DaysToOffload posts from my blog and journal, all in a single place.
Is this cheating? I don’t think so. I see it as a way to organise my posts, and they are still written by me over the course of a year.
To be completely honest, I have no hopes for completing it. On the other hand, I don’t want to just give up. So here we are.
- Merging Lanes
Alt account was a good idea on the surface, but not in practice.
- Journal IRL
My new, purplest journal.
• Journal - My Blog Workflow
My entire blogging workflow, from A to Я.
- On Move to Vercel
How and why I’ve moved this site away from Codeberg Pages.
- Bluesky Comments
Shit on me right from the sky.
• Journal - Rewrite Again?
Yet another rewrite is pretty much over.
- The Duck Has Grown Up
It’s time for it to live its own life.
- Behold, The Snug Nook
Yet another chat thingy that no one ever asked for.
- This Blog Has a Name Now
That’s right, and it’s stupid one as well.
- I've Been Interviewed
You’ve been what!?
- Jekyll Is Overrated, Use Zola Instead
Or don’t, it’s up to you to decide after all.
- 17th Year in Review
Wait, it’s been a year already?
- Teardown - The Criminal Simulator
Playing a fun game about tearing stuff down.
- Personal Branding Experiments #2
Experimenting with my logo once again, with something actually new this time.
- What I Did during My Break
I’m back from my pathetic, short break.
- Taking a Short Break
To my knowledge, short breaks haven’t hurt anyone.
- Download Deleted Photos from Unsplash in Original Quality
Sometimes a link to an Unsplash image returns 404, what can be done in this case?
- Giving Zed Code Editor a Shot
Trying out a new, shiny, and fast code editor (sorry, VSCodium).
- Personal Branding Experiments
Experimenting with my logo style, colors, textures, and design philosophy.
- Deploying a Zola Website to Codeberg Pages
Step-by-step guide to deploying a Zola website using Codeberg Pages.
- How People Got Fed Up: Luddism
The brief story of Luddism. (1/?)
- Changing My Publishing Strategy
With the current publishing strategy, I will burn out too soon.
- Gradience Autopsy: Rise and Set
The most complete history of Gradience you’ll ever find.
- Repurposing My Gemini Capsule
My Gemini capsule has been collecting dust. It’s time to change that.
- Pixel's Suicide and My Switch to a Dumbphone
How I ended up using a dumbphone as my main and only phone.
- Content Doesn’t Have an Expiration Date
The concerning trend of fast food content consumption.
- One Little Domain or How I Got My First Domain
One of my little dreams finally came true! But how?
- Latitude and Longitude or My New Daily Driver
A little story about my new (for me) laptop.
- MacBoy Chronicles: The Complete Edition
The most complete story of my previous laptop that one can get, DLCs included.
- 100 Days to Offload or the Drafts Folder Overflow
Why I decided to participate in a challenge that I’m doomed to fail?
- Rewriting My Neocities Website Was Fun!
Almost a year later, I got my hands on it.