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100 Days to Offload or the Drafts Folder Overflow

Ever since the emergence of this website, I’ve blogged rarely and only about stuff that I considered not too boring or “cringy”… Well, it’s time to break all that- !

Did I just swear? -Anyway.

I’ve seen my friend Orbital participate in #100DaysToOffload challenge, and I thought it would be fun to participate in it as well.

100 Days To Offload is a challenge to publish 100 posts on your personal blog in a year, no matter what the posts are about.

There are more reasons why I decided to participate in this challenge:

  • It’s a perfect opportunity for a tone shift towards a less formal one (you might’ve noticed this in the previous post).
  • Sometimes I need to vent about stuff that interest me, which I currently do by bugging my friends in a group chat. That isn’t ideal.
  • I enjoy writing blog posts and want to get better at it, which isn’t possible without, well, writing.
  • It’s an excuse for posting more posts about blog posts on Mastodon.
  • An empty blog makes me very sad.
  • My drafts folder is overflowing.

And so, the previous post started it all!

Don’t know how long I’ll last, but still it’s worth giving it a shot!


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