What I Did during My Break

2 minutes read

Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash.

Hii, it’s me, the silly little goober, and I’m back in business!


Well, I actually got back at like, Saturday? Anyway, what’s important is that I feel better and can continue doing nothing and spending my valuable free time on goofy stuff that doesn’t matter nor anyone care-

Even though my break was pretty short and pathetic (I still checked all the usual online stuff a few times per day) I still did something in the free time:

Boring? Maybe. Am I happy? Yea, sorta. Yes.

I thought about playing some video games during my break to distract myself from life, but as you can see it didn’t go well, for the better I guess.

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Everyone who commented under the previous post and supported me, I appreciate it, like seriously y’all super awesome! Thanks <3

So um… thanks for reading?


P.S. Does anyone blog about such silly things? Probably not.


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