Gradience Autopsy: Rise and Set
The most complete history of Gradience you’ll ever find.
Hi! Welcome to my blog! Why such a stupid name?
Here I write about my projects, updates on them, life, things that bother me, and pretty much anything else that spins around in my head and gets to be written down and is not too cringey, in which case I write it in my journal.
So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage and enjoy the read! (or don’t, my writing is pretty shitty)
If you’d like to see the list of all my #100DaysToOffload
posts, check this page.
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37 posts in total.
The most complete history of Gradience you’ll ever find.
My Gemini capsule has been collecting dust. It’s time to change that.
How I ended up using a dumbphone as my main and only phone.
The concerning trend of fast food content consumption.
One of my little dreams finally came true! But how?
A little story about my new (for me) laptop.
The most complete story of my previous laptop that one can get, DLCs included.
Why I decided to participate in a challenge that I’m doomed to fail?
Almost a year later, I got my hands on it.