
  1. Be Friendly and Respectful
    This space is meant to be friendly and welcoming, so please keep it that way.
  2. Be Patient
    Everyone’s different in variety of ways, remember that.
  3. Be Careful with Heated Topics
    If you know in advance that a certain topic will quickly escalate or derail, please refrain from starting it. Political discussions are allowed as long as you keep it civil and don’t make it personal.
  4. No Toxicity, Doxxing, and Traumadumping
    Seriously, we have enough of that already. There is a difference between venting and traumadumping, but as it’s pretty blurry try to keep it to a minimum.
  5. No NSFW or Suggestive Content
    As per Discord’s TOS, this server can be viewed by anyone as young as 13.
  6. Keep Conversations in English
    Many members are polyglots, but not all. The use of foreign languages also makes moderation more difficult. However, if the conversation is mainly in English and a member, for example, asks for the meaning of a particular foreign word, that’s fine.
  7. Limit Unnecessary Use of Profanity
    You know what that means; pointless swearing out of habit.
  8. Don’t Encourage Others in Breaking the Rules
    Doing so will count as breaking the rule by yourself.
  9. Don’t Spam and Don’t Mention Users without Need
    Even if the spam is unintentional, automated moderation can think it is.
  10. Don’t Try to Find Loopholes in the Rules
    Want to speedrun getting banned? Just ask @Moderator to do so.

The rules may be changed at any time. Improvement proposals are welcome.


Generally, before any serious punishment, users will be warned three times:

If the user continues to be nasty, they will be:

However, if the user’s actions are too nasty, levels may be skipped depending on the severity of the nastiness.


If you feel that you have been unfairly punished, feel free to discuss it with the admin or the moderator behind this. Misunderstandings happen.